Kyanite Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui

Kyanite Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui

Saumya Singh

Although the word "kyanite" means "dark blue" in Greek, this crystal actually comes in a variety of hues. kyanite comes in many variety of colours, each one has its own unique, special qualities and uses. The properties of kyanite can be used to create a variety of industrial components, but its striking coloration and patterns make it more valuable when used to create jewellery. Kyanite is my favorite gem stone and it doesn't need any cleansing and very good for intuition.

Beyond the aesthetic value of its deep blue hue, kyanite offers other benefits. To improve the feng shui of your home, learn about the healing properties of kyanite.

Kyanite Meaning and Uses in Feng Shui

What Is Kyanite?

A powerful crystal with a calming, soothing energy is kyanite. It doesn't attract negative energy like many crystals do, so it doesn't require cleansing. Particularly useful for facilitating communication and meditation is kyanite.

Properties of Kyanite

·        Color: Green, yellow, pink, green, orange, blue, white, grey and black

·        Chakra: Especially throat and third eye

·        Number: Vibrates to the number 4

·        Planet: Venus

·        Zodiac Sign : Aries, Libra, Taurus

·        Bagua areas: Kan

·        Elements: Both Water and Metal

·        Origin: Austria, Brazil, Italy, Switzerland, USA and India

Kyanite Meaning and Uses

The powerful stone kyanite has a wide range of beneficial uses. It has a calming, grounding energy that can be used to access meditative states as well as to balance emotions. The third eye chakra is opened, and we can use it to recall dreams and connect to our intuitive abilities.

Clear thinking is aided by kyanite. It helps us understand how our past actions contributed to the current situation and it demonstrates to us how we can alter our course. Additionally, it gets rid of roadblocks and destructive habits so we can transform our lives for the better. Finding a more fulfilling, aligned career path and life path is another use for kyanite.

Types of Kyanite

Crystalline Kyanite

High vibrational crystal kyanite is particularly beneficial for facilitating connections and developing enduring relationships.

Ruby Kyanite 

Kyanite is occasionally found with ruby, and the characteristics of both minerals can be found in these rocks. Your needs can be prioritised, your emotions can be understood, and your emotions can be expressed to others with the aid of ruby kyanite.

Black Kyanite

The energy of black kyanite is very dependable and stable. It helps you break off bad relationships and defend yourself when you feel like your energy is being sapped.

Blue Kyanite

The most typical hue connected to kyanite always has a blue tint. Especially, when it comes to spirituality, communication, and self-expression, blue kyanite is a helpful stone. It may enable you to speak your truth, experience greater serenity, and make contact with a higher consciousness. It is particularly associated with both third eye and throat chakra.

Uses in Feng Shui

Activate Kan, the Career Area

Your career and life path are connected to the Kan area of the feng shui bagua map. Kyanite can be a particularly helpful addition to the Kan area of your home because it can aid in discovering a career and path that are aligned and fulfilling. Try setting kyanite in Kan position with this goal in mind if you'd like more clarity on your career path. It may be especially beneficial to place black kyanite here because this area is also linked to the colour black.

Activate the Metal Element

Speaking more clearly and communicating more openly are benefits of working with kyanite, which are traits related to the metal element in feng shui. You may want to work with the metal element if you frequently find it difficult to speak up for what you want or what you believe in. To promote more of these metal element qualities, try carrying a piece of kyanite.

Activate the Water Element

The water element is associated with depth and intuition in feng shui. When you turn inward during meditation, kyanite can help you progress further by facilitating a stronger connection to intuition. Working with black kyanite can help you attract more water element qualities into your life because the water element is associated with the colour black.

Make a Grid of Defense

You might want to try setting up a protective crystal grid in your home if you feel like you could use more defence. Set the intention that this grid will create a shield of protection against any unwelcome or unfavourable energy and then scatter four pieces of black kyanite—one in each corner of your house—around your property.

Improve Your Mediation Space

Because it fosters a sense of serenity and stability, kyanite is an excellent meditation stone. See if adding a piece of kyanite to your preferred meditation spot will make it easier for you to enter your practise.

Bring Calm to Your Bedroom

One room in your house where you really want to foster a serene atmosphere is your bedroom. Since this is where you go to unwind and recharge, it's crucial to design the space to promote relaxation. A great way to work with the calming energy of kyanite is to place it in the bedroom. Kyanite is a protective crystal, so keeping one close to your bed may be beneficial if you occasionally have trouble unwinding or falling asleep. If you'd like to improve your ability to recall dreams, you might try setting up a kyanite crystal on your nightstand.

Activate Your Home Office

Prioritizing, planning, perseverance, and communication are all skills that kyanite supports. These traits are crucial for career and business success. Making feng shui changes in your home office is one way to change the feng shui of your career, which is represented by this space in feng shui. To use the benefits of this stone in your career, try placing a piece of kyanite on your desk or in your home office.


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