Feng Shui Tips on House Floor Plan

Feng Shui Tips on House Floor Plan

Saumya Singh

Here are some tips for a good house floor plan based on feng shui that you can use whether you are renting or buying a new home, apartment or house, or even if you are just looking to improve your current home.

Feng Shui Tips on House Floor Plan

The Entry

In feng shui philosophy, the entry serves as one's "face" to the outside world. Unless you are a retiree looking for a secluded retreat, you should search for a house that has an entry that is obvious and simple to locate. Just take yourself back to the very first time you walked up to your house. How difficult was it to locate the entrance to the building? Does the doorbell work? Is it tidy and has adequate lighting? These are some of the most important aspects of feng shui that can be applied to your home.

It would be ideal if there was a clear path leading from the street to the front door of the house. That both the front door and the entry foyer are generously sized and open. You'll be able to entice the most promising opportunities this way, and give them a central location from which they can assemble and amass information.

Please take note of the following instructions for the lobby area. It is best to keep walls or stairs at a distance of at least six feet from the entrance door. This area ought to have a satisfactory amount of illumination (so even a change to a brighter bulb can help). Additionally, you should stay away from houses that have another door or a large window directly opposite the front door. When the house is set up in such a way, the qi, or life force energy, simply flows out of it without any resistance.

Placement of Room to Achieve Good Feng Shui

The public areas of the home should ideally be located near the front, while the private rooms should be located near the back of the building.

The areas closest to the entrance make for the most desirable locations for the kitchen, living room, and home office. It makes perfect sense to have this area located closer to the front door given that it is where the family congregates to spend time together and also to greet guests and visitors. It is more open to the public.

The private areas of the house, such as bedrooms, should ideally be situated in the second half of the house. Historically, the oldest members of the family, such as the grandparents, have always lived in the most remote parts of the home. When you move further back, you gain increased safety, power, and influence over the situation.

Commanding Position of a House

According to feng shui, the three locations in the home that have the most impact on one's life are the bed, the desk, and the stove. The bed is a representation of you, the desk is your place of employment, and the stove is both your source of wealth and how you eat. You want to have a house floor plan in which the bed, the desk, and the stove are all situated in an advantageous location, don't you?

When you are in a position where you can see inside the door but you are not directly in line with the door, you are in a commanding position. In most cases, you will find that you are positioned perpendicular to the door, also known as "kitty-corner." The beds, desks, and stove should all have a commanding position within the home, and a good feng shui house plan will accommodate this.

What’s in the Center of the Home

What takes place in the heart of the home has an effect on the health and happiness of all of its occupants. On the Bagua map, the area that corresponds to the centre of the home is labelled "health" or "tai qi," and it influences all of the other aspects of one's life. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that the centre of the room not contain either a staircase or a bathroom.

Concerns Regarding the Staircase

When examining floor plans, there are a few things to keep in mind regarding staircases.

To begin, spiral staircases are considered to be very inauspicious in feng shui. They produce a fast drilling energy that is disorienting and, if at all possible, should be avoided because of it.

In feng shui, the presence of many stairs, such as those found in homes with split levels, is considered to be problematic. It indicates that there will be many highs and lows throughout the course of your life.

The placement of stairs directly in front of the front door (within six feet) or in the middle of the home can also be problematic from a feng shui perspective.

The Overall Shape of the House

As a final piece of advice, keep in mind that the ideal floor plan for feng shui is one that is uncomplicated and well-balanced, and that has the proportions of a square or rectangle. It might appear to be uninteresting, but the straightforward, square-like shape ensures that the Bagua map contains no blank spots, so everything is typically in harmony and balance.

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