How to get car insurance for the first time

How to get car insurance for the first time

Saumya Singh

How to get car insurance for the first time

Owning a car has always symbolized freedom and endless opportunity, a motif immortalized in literature, music, and cinema. Imagining oneself cruising down the open road, music blaring, heading towards a vibrant horizon, is a timeless image, the credits rolling as the journey unfolds.

How to get car insurance for the first time

Amidst the allure of grand adventures, there lies a practical consideration with the privilege of car ownership comes significant financial responsibility.

We are discussing here about car insurance. Whether you're stepping into car ownership for the first time or transitioning to your own car insurance policy as advised by your parents, navigating the world of insurance can appear daunting. With a touch of readiness, securing a good policy with optimal coverage at a reasonable rate is entirely feasible.

It's wise to acquaint yourself with the various types of car insurance policies to ensure informed decision-making.

Key components typically found in an auto insurance policy include:

1. Liability Insurance:

This covers damages you cause to others' property or injuries in an accident, along with legal defense costs if you're sued. Required in most states, you can opt for the minimum mandated by your state or a higher level. Liability insurance doesn't cover damage to your own vehicle.

2. Collision Insurance:

Optional unless your car is financed, it pays for damage to your vehicle in an accident, regardless of fault, or if you collide with an object like a guardrail. Collision insurance comes with a deductible, which you select, reducing the claim amount if filed.

3. Comprehensive Insurance:

Also optional, this coverage protects your vehicle from theft and damage due to fire, hail, vandalism, and other non-collision incidents. Comprehensive insurance includes a deductible and pays up to the actual cash value if your car is totaled.

4. Additional Coverage:

Depending on state laws, you might need or be offered additional coverage like personal injury protection or uninsured motorist coverage.

Before purchasing a car, it's prudent to shop for insurance. Without coverage, you may not be able to drive your new car off the lot. Prepare for insurance costs alongside loan payments and maintenance expenses. Vehicle choice influences insurance rates, so it's beneficial to research the most and least expensive cars to insure before finalizing your decision.

Preparation steps before buying Auto Insurance:

1. Decide on a make and model:

Identify the vehicles you're interested in, whether a new Toyota Camry or a used Honda Civic or Bentley, to obtain insurance quotes and budget accordingly.

2. Understand required coverage:

Familiarize yourself with state mandates and lender requirements for liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage, particularly if financing your car and most states mandate to have car liability insurance

3. Compare insurance quotes:

Utilize independent agents or online comparison tools to assess multiple insurers' rates. Ensure quotes match in coverage level for accurate comparisons and also try to get more insurance quotes so you can get cheap car insurance.

4. Set up a policy with insurance agent:

Once you've selected a vehicle and have its vehicle identification number (VIN), work with your agent to finalize the policy. If the VIN isn't available yet, provide relevant household and garage information to initiate the process, completing the car insurance policy with the VIN once secured.

What Information I Need for Car Insurance?

Prior to purchasing a car insurance policy, it's essential to collect specific personal details for yourself and any additional drivers to be included:

1. Driver's license numbers for all individuals covered by the insurance policy.

2. Date of birth for all individuals listed on the policy.

3. Garaging address of the vehicle, typically your residential address.

4. Vehicle identification number (VIN) for each vehicle being insured.

5. Documentation of safe-driving courses completed by you or any other drivers under the policy.

6. Academic grades for student drivers, as good grades may qualify for a discount.

7. A rough estimate of the desired liability coverage for your car insurance.

You Will be Paying  More For Car Insurance As a First-Time Buyer

As a first-time buyer of car insurance, anticipate higher premiums compared to seasoned drivers with a longer insurance history. Insurance providers base rates on driving and insurance records, which tend to favor experienced drivers with fewer claims.

New drivers, often younger, face higher rates due to their limited driving experience. On average, a 16-year-old driver might encounter rates ranging from $7,000 to $8,000. By age 20, this figure decreases to approximately $3,700, and by 25, it falls to just under $2,400, as  per the nalysis of full coverage policy rates.

Various factors influence insurance pricing, including:

- Vehicle type or type of car

- Age

- Gender

- ZIP code

- Marital status

- Credit score

- Educational background and occupation

How Much Will be the  Car Insurance?

According to analysis, the average nationwide cost for car insurance, inclusive of liability, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured motorist coverage, stands at $1,998 for a responsible driver. This figure assumes coverage of $100,000 in bodily injury liability per person, $300,000 per accident, and $100,000 in property damage liability.

Average Cost for the Car Insurance Coverage Types

Coverage type


Liability insurance


Collision insurance


Comprehensive insurance


Source: National Association of Insurance Commissioners Auto Insurance Database Report


Best Ways to Save Money When Buying Car Insurance

Here are strategies for first-time car insurance buyers to save money:

1. Compare Quotes:

To secure the best deal, compare car insurance quotes from various car insurance companies. Rates can significantly differ among insurers, so obtaining multiple vehicle company quotes, either online or through an agent, is advisable. Independent agents can streamline this process by providing quotes from several companies.

2. Optimal Coverage:

Determine the appropriate amount of coverage you need with the assistance of an insurance agent. While it's essential not to be underinsured, paying for excessive coverage is unnecessary. Tailoring your coverage to your specific needs helps ensure you're adequately protected without overspending.

3. Seek Discounts:

Inquire about available discounts, as numerous opportunities exist to lower your premium. Common discounts include multi-policy, new car, and defensive driver discounts. Taking advantage of these can lead to substantial savings.

4. Maintain Good Credit:

Many states permit auto insurance companies to consider credit when setting rates. Maintaining good credit can result in lower premiums. Conversely, poor credit may lead to higher costs, underscoring the importance of actively seeking the most competitive car insurance rates.

When do I need to buy car insurance for the first time?

Numerous first-time drivers, particularly teenagers, often reside with their parents and are covered under their parents' car insurance policy. As a teenager, you likely weren't actively involved in choosing auto insurance coverages and limits. However, upon permanently moving out, you'll need to procure your own car insurance policy since your vehicle is no longer housed at your parents' residence. There are exceptions to this guideline, notably for college students. Explore car insurance options tailored for college students to ascertain whether you require your own policy in such circumstances.

Certain insurers offer the option to share a car insurance policy with someone you reside with, provided all vehicles are kept at the same location, such as with a roommate. However, it's crucial to understand that there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with sharing a policy. Explore the process of adding someone to a car insurance policy to determine whether it aligns with your specific needs and circumstances.

How to get car insurance for the first time

As you prepare to purchase your first car insurance policy, ensure that your coverages, limits, and available discounts align with your unique situation. Here's a straightforward checklist outlining key factors to consider:

1. Coverage Needs:

Evaluate the types of coverage you require, such as liability, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, based on your driving habits and financial situation.

2. Coverage Limits:

Determine appropriate coverage limits for each type of insurance to adequately protect yourself and your assets in the event of an accident or other unforeseen circumstances.

3. Discounts:

Explore potential discounts offered by insurers, such as multi-policy, good driver, student, or safety feature discounts, to maximize your savings.

4. Deductibles:

Decide on deductible amounts for collision and comprehensive coverage, considering how much you can afford to pay out of pocket in the event of a claim.

5. Compare Vehicle Insurance Quotes:

Obtain vehicle insurance quotes from multiple insurers to ensure you're getting the best rate for the coverage you need from the vehicle insurance company. Compare not only prices but also the reputation and customer service of each insurer.

6. Review Vehicle Insurance Policy Details:

Thoroughly review the terms and conditions of the policy, including exclusions, limitations, and additional fees, to fully understand your coverage.


7. Payment Options:

Consider payment options available, such as monthly installments or annual payments, and choose the option that best fits your budget and preferences.

8. Customer Service:

Research the insurer's reputation for customer service and claims handling to ensure you'll receive prompt and reliable assistance when needed.

By addressing these key considerations before purchasing your first car insurance policy, you can make informed decisions that provide you with the coverage and protection you need while staying within your budget.

Does your liability coverage match your net worth?

Although your parents might maintain higher liability limits, it's essential to assess whether you need such extensive coverage. Opting for your state's minimum liability limits could potentially save you money, but it's crucial to make this decision wisely. Only consider minimum limits if they exceed your net worth. Calculating your net worth involves totaling your bank, investment, and retirement accounts, as well as the equity in your home and any other property you own. Then, subtract any outstanding debts. This assessment ensures that your liability coverage aligns with your financial standing and provides adequate protection without unnecessary expenses.

Is your vehicle properly protected?

Whether your car is financed or leased, lenders typically mandate comprehensive and collision coverage. However, even if your vehicle is fully paid off, these coverages hold value as they cover repairs or replacements in case of damage or theft. If your car is paid off and its value is less than a few thousand dollars, you can reduce insurance costs by removing comprehensive and collision coverage. Nonetheless, if you opt to forego these physical damage coverages, ensure you can cover out-of-pocket expenses for another vehicle should an incident occur. This decision balances insurance savings with financial preparedness for potential vehicle replacements.

Are your deductibles yet affordable to you?

Your parents might have opted for high deductibles on their policy as a strategy to reduce its rate. While this can be effective, it's crucial to ensure you can cover the deductible amount if you need to file a claim. Educate yourself about car insurance deductibles to select the appropriate amount for your policy. This knowledge empowers you to strike a balance between lowering your car insurance costs and being financially prepared to cover deductible car expenses in the event of a claim.

Are you maximizing all the available discounts?

Although insurance costs for drivers over 25 tend to be lower compared to younger or first-time drivers, it's still wise to select an insurer offering a variety of car insurance discounts to maximize savings. For instance, if you're a renter, bundling your auto policy with renters insurance can earn you a multi-policy discount with Progressive in most states. Moreover, if you share a residence with a roommate, some insurers may offer a multi-car discount, allowing you to drive separate vehicles while sharing an auto policy.

Additionally, students and teenagers can benefit from student car insurance discounts. When purchasing your first car insurance policy, strive to strike a balance between affordability and adequate coverage. While opting for the cheapest policy may seem financially prudent, investing a bit more each month can provide the assurance of being properly covered in various situations.

Buying Car Insurance at the Dealership or Insurance Companies?

While purchasing car insurance at the dealership might seem convenient, it's not the best way to secure the most competitive rates. Dealerships and financiers often have limited partnerships with specific insurance companies, potentially limiting your vehicle coverage options. By researching and comparing car insurance quotes from various insurers beforehand, you can save both time and money.

Another aspect to approach cautiously at the dealership is the offer of gap insurance. While gap insurance covers the disparity between the insurance payout and the outstanding car loan if your vehicle is totaled, it's typically more cost-effective to purchase it from your insurance company rather than the dealership and you can get a cheap car insurance.

Gap insurance obtained through the dealership or lending company can range from $400 to $900, often bundled into your auto loan. Conversely, when purchased through your car insurance company, it typically amounts to 5% to 7% of your collision and comprehensive coverage premium, equating to approximately $15 to $42 annually.

Additionally, acquiring gap insurance through your insurance company allows you the flexibility to drop the coverage once the value of your vehicle exceeds or matches the car loan balance. If obtained through the dealership, you're locked into gap insurance until the loan is fully repaid.

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