Calcite meaning, Properties and Uses in Feng Shui

Calcite meaning, Properties and Uses in Feng Shui

Saumya Singh

Calcite crystals are excellent tools to improve and boost the feng shui of your home because they have many energetic advantages. There is a good chance that you will find calcite in a variety that speaks to you because it comes in such a variety of colours, each with their own special characteristics.

Calcite meaning, Properties and Uses in Feng Shui

What Is Calcite?

Calcite is a crystal that has a wide range of hues. Calcite comes in a variety of forms, each of which has unique properties. Calcite is frequently used to amplify and purify energy as well as to balance the mind.

Properties of Calcite

·        Color: clear, white, black, blue, pink, yellow, golden, green, orange, red, brown, rainbow

·        Chakra: Depends on the type of color

·        Number: Vibrates to the number 8

·        Planet: Depends on the type of color

·        Zodiac: Cancer

·        Bagua areas: Depends on the type of color

·        Elements: Basically Metal, and others depending on the color

·        Origin: UK, USA, Belgium, Czech Republic, Iceland, Peru, Slovakia and Romania

Uses and Significance of Calcite

Calcite has the power to balance and clear the chakras as well as amplify and purify energy. Negative energy can also be absorbed and transformed. Calcite is a crystal which helps in unifying the intellect with the emotions by calming the mind and improving the mental clarity.

Calcite comes in a variety of colours, each of which has unique properties and uses. Certain calcites resonate with particular chakras and enhance particular types of energy depending on the colour.

Colors of Calcite and Its Healing Qualities

White or Clear Calcite

All of the chakras, but especially the third eye, resonate with clear or white calcite. It is a clearing and reviving stone that aids in beginning new endeavours, removing obstacles, and making changes.

Black Calcite

Black calcite can bring memories to light, allowing us to let them go and move on. Additionally, it is a helpful stone for trying times in life.

Blue Calcite

The third eye and throat chakras can especially benefit from the cleansing properties of blue calcite. It promotes mental calm and clarity and has a calming energy. Additionally, it improves expression and communication.

Brown Calcite

Similar to blue calcite, brown calcite promotes stability and balance as well as mental peace and clarity. The sacral and root chakras are connected to it.

Golden Calcite

Golden calcite is a good stone for meditation because it is calming and uplifting. It has a strong affinity for the solar plexus and crown chakras and can also boost confidence.

Green Calcite

When you want to connect with the energy of abundance and gratitude, turn to green calcite. It has a soothing energy that connects to the heart chakra and aids in releasing negative emotions and stagnation.

Orange Calcite

It is uplifting, energising, and revitalising to use orange calcite. The sacral chakra, which is connected to issues of creativity and sexuality, is stimulated. It aids in our energy balancing, confidence-building, and self-trust.

Red Calcite

The root chakra and the heart chakra are linked by red calcite. It helps in clearing obstacles and boosting vigour, vitality, and drive.

Rainbow Calcite

As its name implies, rainbow calcite is composed of a variety of colours. Chakra alignment, energy balancing, and positivity boosting are all facilitated by it.

Mangano Calcite

This stone has a loving energy and is a soft pink colour. Mangano calcite enhances feelings of security and hope by relating to the heart chakra. Additionally, it can support forgiveness and acceptance.

Yellow Calcite

The colour of this stone ranges from pale yellow to deep lemon yellow. Focus is provided by yellow calcite while positive energies are amplified. It is beneficial for meditation and can promote deep relaxation.

Uses of Calcite in Feng Shui

Activating Your Meditation Space

Individual room or rlse a corner of the bedroom is a great place to put a crystal that supports an intention you'd like to cultivate, whether you have a whole room set aside for meditation or just a small altar in the corner of your bedroom. Try including orange calcite in your meditation space if, for instance, it really speaks to you and you want to concentrate on boosting your creativity and self-assurance. Every time you pause to practise mindfulness in this area of your home, the crystal's energy will serve as a reminder of your goal and a source of strength for you.

Activate the Feng Shui Bagua

Feng shui practitioners use the feng shui bagua, a type of energy map, to comprehend the energy of a space. It is a mandala with eight sections encircling a central area, and is frequently depicted as a three-by-three grid. If you've done any feng shui research at all, you probably already know that each bagua area, or gua, is associated with a specific facet of life. Each gua also has a complex history of associations and meanings.

Placing calcite in a bagua area that you want to activate is one way to work with it and feng shui. Choosing a calcite crystal whose colour matches the gua you wish to work on is the simplest way to accomplish this. By putting green calcite in the bagua's New Beginnings area, for instance, which is connected to the colour green, you can activate new beginnings in your life. To balance and purify the energy in any of the guas, you can also just place a piece of white or clear calcite there.

Activate the Five Elements

Calcite can be a great stone to activate the five elements because it comes in so many gorgeous colours. There are associations between the five elements and particular qualities as well as specific colours. Intentionally place a calcite crystal in the corresponding colour in your home to attract more of an element's qualities into your life. Here are some characteristics and hues linked to each of the elements:

Green and blue are the complementary colours of the wood element, which is associated with rebirth, growth, and new beginnings.

Black is the colour of the water element, which stands for social connections, wisdom, and intuition.

White and grey are the colours associated with the metal element, which is associated with happiness, elegance, and precision.

Yellow and orange are the colours of the earth element, which is associated with nourishment, stability, and a sense of security.

Red is the colour of the fire element, which stands for passion, inspiration, and drive.



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