Bedroom Feng Shui Tips to Improve your Quality of Sleep

Bedroom Feng Shui Tips to Improve your Quality of Sleep

Saumya Singh

Everything you need to know about choosing colours, placing furniture, and avoiding "lonely pillows" is provided here.

A feng shui bedroom is a calm and balanced space that encourages better sleep. But feng shui is not a Chinese interior design idea, despite what the general public may think. No belief system is involved, either. Literally, the words mean "wind water."

Feng shui is like gravity, according to P.K. Odle, a master feng shui consultant and executive director of the prestigious American Feng Shui Institute. "Both man-made and natural environments are affected by it. They already have an impact on your everyday life, whether you realise it or not."

Feng shui is something that is already present everywhere; it is not something you do. You may not even be aware of how it influences you. You can think of the feng shui energy blueprint as the building's DNA sequence, and Odle claims that every building has one from the moment it is constructed.

Bedroom Feng Shui Tips to Improve your Quality of Sleep

Feng Shui as a Science and an Art

Acupuncture and classical feng shui are sister sciences. Both ancient Chinese sciences are based on the Yi Jing or Book of Changes, that also acknowledges that everything is energy, and have been enhancing people's lives for centuries, according to Odle. The Chinese word for the lifeforce energy that permeates all things and is constantly changing is qi.

Odle claims that the magnetic orientation and the year a building was constructed determine the unseen feng shui energy blueprint of a structure. The lives of the building's occupants are affected predictably by these repeatable energy combinations, according to her. Every building contains a mix of beneficial and harmful energy combinations, just like everything else in life.

From an artistic standpoint, furniture and décor can be used to create a good flow. Feng shui practitioners think that a space with an unbalanced energy can have an impact on our health, relationships, and finances. Here are some feng shui bedroom decorating guidelines for one of your home's most significant rooms.

Feng Shui Bedroom Guidelines

The key to designing a feng shui bedroom is the placement of furniture and decorative items. Every structure has a hidden section grid, similar to a tic-tac-toe board. The interior width and depth are divided by three in the feng shui blueprint grid, according to Odle. These energy grid lines resemble invisible beams that can harm the parts of the body that are split in half by the grid's two sections.

Experts in feng shui advise against using beams in general. Avoiding bedrooms with exposed beams is the one essential to a good bedroom layout. If you already have them in your bedroom, make sure all frequently used furniture is placed far from them.

Having good feng shui also means keeping your bedroom clean. Even if all of your furniture is in its proper place, a disorganised bedroom will hinder energy flow. Decide to maintain a tidy environment.

Select a bed position

Make sure your head is close to a solid wall as a general rule. Or at least in the direction of a wall with a closed window that isn't draughty, says Odle. You'll have a restful night's sleep as a result of the Qi or energy above your head being reduced.

You want your headboard to rest flat against the wall. Keep your bed as close to the wall as you can to avoid any separation caused by floor moulding.

Odle advises keeping the door closed or, at the very least, ajar by a few inches while you are in bed if your bed cannot be placed against a wall.

Your choice of bed is crucial. The best options for feng shui are a solid wood frame or a headboard with solid upholstery. Avoid beds with built-in storage, open bars, or headboards with multiple panels.

Choose the best colours

Odle advises having the area expertly assessed before making your bedroom's colour selections. A good general rule of thumb is to stay away from primary colours, especially reds, purples, blues, and black. Depending on the feng shui energies of the space, she says, "they can cause major problems."

Therefore, if you're redecorating, seek out pieces of furniture, bedding, and accessories in neutral tones. Change the bedding if you can only make one room improvement. Look for neutrals that are soothing without being boring, like the Hardcore Linen Bundle from Brooklinen, which is offered in a variety of chic muted colours, including taupe, pink, and blue.

Mirror placement

A feng shui bedroom shouldn't have a mirror, despite the fact that the majority of us enjoy having them there. Mirrors reflect light, which makes the bedroom's energies—or yang—very active, according to Odle. When you wait for the bedroom's energies to become more still or yin, it takes longer to fall asleep after lights out.

Mirrors in the bedroom have another effect: Depending on your gender and date of birth, they may activate your unique "lonely pillow" direction. According to Odle, this can have an impact on your relationships, halting further development and leaving you to sleep alone.

Elemental Remedies to Balance Energy

Implementing the required elemental remedies to complement the space is another aspect of designing a feng shui bedroom. In other words, include decor elements that represent the five elements: plants for wood, water features, red and purple colours for fire, and metal or earthenware items.

According to Odle, it is never important to have a representation of each of the five elements in a given room. Which one should come first? The results of the mathematical calculations show which element is necessary to maximise the current undiscovered energy combination.

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