Tips on How to Use the Pomegranate in Feng Shui

Tips on How to Use the Pomegranate in Feng Shui

Saumya Singh

Fruit might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words "feng shui," but it can be very beneficial. However, practitioners of feng shui frequently bring symbols of nature into a home, such as plants and fruit, in order to invite a deeper connection to nature and the natural cycles that occur in the world. This connection to the natural world is one of the most fundamental aspects of feng shui. The term "feng shui" literally translates to "wind" and "water," which is indicative of how important these natural elements are to our ability to continue existing.

Tips on How to Use the Pomegranate in Feng Shui

Because of its vibrant red colour and numerous small seeds, the pomegranate is considered to be a particularly fortunate Feng Shui symbol. It is a common motif in Asian and Chinese art, and it is frequently found in conjunction with other significant symbols derived from the natural world. Continue reading to find out more about the feng shui significance of pomegranates and how you can incorporate this element into your own living space.

The Meaning of Pomegranates in Feng Shui and Their Symbolism

Pomegranates are ruby-colored fruits that take the shape of globes, and if you've ever cut one open, you'll know that inside it's packed to the brim with hundreds of colourful seeds that look like jewels. The presence of these seeds lends the pomegranate the connotation of fertility as well as the hope for many healthy and successful offspring. This can refer to biological offspring in the form of children or human descendants; however, it can also refer to successful offspring in the form of projects, ideas, qi (energy), or the work that you put out into the world. It is also possible for it to represent opportunities for leaving behind a significant legacy. The fact that fruit contains seeds that can later develop into new fruit contributes to the perpetuation of life and the cycle of birth and death.

There is a connection between the colour of pomegranates, which is typically a vibrant red, and the energy of fire. It is the colour of the Fame area of the feng shui bagua, which corresponds to the fire element, which is associated with both inspiration and recognition. This is related to the concept of having the inspiration to create prosperous and successful projects in the world as well as the projects themselves.

Because it is the colour associated with vitality, red is considered to be the most fortunate colour in the practise of feng shui. Simply by observing the colour of the pomegranate fruit and seeds, we are able to get a sense of the fruit's and the seeds' vivacity. Its colour is so intense that it can actually be used as a dye because of how vivid it is. Pomegranate is another fruit that is regarded as a superfood due to its abundance of useful nutrients and therapeutic properties.

Pomegranate, when eaten as a fruit, has a naturally sweet flavour. At the time when feng shui was developed in ancient times, fruit was considered extremely valuable and priceless. In our modern age, however, it is very simple to acquire fruit at the supermarket. In the past, there were not nearly as many different sources of sweetness as there are today. Because it was regarded as such a valuable fruit, pomegranate was even sometimes presented as an offering in Buddhist temples.

Pomegranate, apple, and peach are the three fruits that most frequently appear together in Chinese design motifs. Peaches are connected to living a long life, while apples are associated with living a life of contentment and peace. Pomegranates stand for a large number of offspring. Pomegranates are frequently found in combination with goldfish, which are also considered to be lucky symbols.

How to Use Pomegranate in Your Home

If you find that the meanings associated with pomegranates resonate particularly deeply with you, you might want to bring some of this fruit into your own home. The following is a list of potential approaches to this problem:

Encourage the Growth of Prosperity and Ideas

Pomegranate can assist you in cultivating the energy of the fire element, which is necessary for generating ideas and financial success, if you want to use it. With this goal in mind, you might want to hang an image of pomegranates or display a basket full of the fruit in your home. Pomegranates should be placed in the kitchen because, according to feng shui, the kitchen is associated with wealth. Pomegranates can be placed anywhere in the kitchen. If you want to attract more prosperity and creativity into your professional life and career, you can also put this symbol in your home office or workspace. This will help you achieve your goals.

Enhance Fertility

When you want to grow your family and add a new member, working with the pomegranate, which has a history of being associated with fertility, can be a very effective way to send a message to the universe. You will need to locate the Children bagua area of your bedroom, which is referred to as Dui in Chinese, so that you can work with pomegranate to support this intention. To accomplish this, stand at the doorway leading into your bedroom with your back to the entrance and picture a three-by-three grid spanning the entire space. The area designated for children will be located in the middle third of the space on the right. It is possible for you to enhance your fertility by placing pomegranate imagery in this area with the intention of doing so.

Plant some pomegranates in your backyard garden.

You might also want to consider planting a pomegranate tree if one would thrive in your region. In this way, not only will you be able to pick freshly picked pomegranates for you and your family to enjoy, but you will also be able to closely observe the natural processes that occur as the tree grows.

Participate in Activities Involving Pomegranates, Apples and Peaches

Inviting good fortune with descendants, peace, and a long life can also be accomplished by incorporating the motif of a pomegranate, apple, and peach all together. You can accomplish this by placing these three fruits in a fruit bowl together or by looking for artwork that features images of these fruits. Both options are available to you.

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