A Guide to Use Best Feng Shui Colors

A Guide to Use Best Feng Shui Colors

Saumya Singh

People are visual beings and our sense of sight is typically the one that dominates the others, colors have a significant impact on us. Because we see color, we know that energy is vibrating.

A Guide to Use Best Feng Shui Colors

In addition, colors establish a connection between us and imagery and metaphor. People are drawn to the light, just as other living things are drawn to it and thrive in its presence. Because colors are literally vibrations of light, they have a significant impact on us. As a result, color has a strong influence.

Remember that people from different cultures have very different color perceptions. For instance, a grieving family in China wears white, whereas in the West, people typically wear black during this time. In addition, you may have personally significant associations with particular colors; it is important that you respect these!

In this feng shui color guide, we'll take a look at the spectrum of colors and discuss their effects. You can choose colors for your walls, furniture, artwork, pillows, and other home accessories with the help of this handy guide. The use of color is a potent and speedy way to get your energy shifting in the direction you desire using feng shui.

Green and Blue

There is a connection between the element of wood and the colors green, blue, and teal. These hues encourage revitalization, expansion, and starting over in new ways. It's a very dynamic energy, like a sprout that's growing from a seed and pushing out of the ground like it's trying to get air. These hues establish a conduit through which we can access the healing powers of the natural world. Imagine that there is a canopy over us that is protecting us. Bright blues help us feel connected to the vastness and openness of the sky.

Violet and Purple

The colors purple and violet, which are connected to the crown chakra, are created when blazing red and expansive blue are mixed together. According to feng shui, these colors evoke thoughts of wealth and royalty and invite their presence. There is a correlation between the color purple-violet and wealth, prosperity, and one's own sense of worth.

Yellow, orange, and brown were the colors.

Yellow, orange, and brown are examples of earthy and neutral colors that help to ground and support us. If you feel as though you could use some support and nurturing, earthy colors are the way to go. Consider the role that Mother Earth plays, as well as the ways in which soil can enrich and nourish plants and trees. Additionally, the earth will absorb the things that we have to relinquish to it. For example, just like the process of composting or decomposition, the earth has the ability to take something that is no longer useful and transform it into something beneficial for plant growth.


There are many different tints of white, and in feng shui, each one of them stands for cleanliness and accuracy. The color white, which is associated with the element metal, is said to encourage clear vision, clarity, and cleansing. White is another color that is recommended for kitchens because it creates an ideal backdrop for the vivid colors found in fresh foods. Maintaining a healthy equilibrium is essential in almost all aspects of life. White can become lifeless and yin when there is too much of it.


The color grey is created by combining the yin and yang qualities of white and black. Black represents wisdom, while white represents clarity. Gray is associated with the area of the feng shui bagua map that relates to those who are helpful and travel. This is a wonderful color to wear if you feel as though you could use some assistance or if you have plans to travel more.

Dark blue

In feng shui, the color dark blue is associated with two qualities: self-knowledge and skillfulness. Imagine looking up into the vastness of the night sky while maintaining a calm and serene state. You can improve your self-awareness and your comprehension with the help of this color.


Red is considered to be the most powerful color in terms of feng shui, and for good reason. The color red has long been associated with wealth, health, and good fortune. The color red is associated with the energy of fire, fame, and passion. You only need a little bit to make a big difference, so don't be afraid to introduce some red into your home if you want to feel more inspired and revitalized.


The color black is associated with experience and maturity. You will end up with black if you combine all of the colors of the rainbow together. Therefore, black is all-encompassing and possesses knowledge of everything there is. Additionally, the element water is connected to the color black in some way. Water is vast and deep. It moves, it makes connections, and it gives life. If you want more wisdom to flow into your home, use black sparingly and intelligently. Additionally, according to Feng Shui, the color black is considered to be one of the lucky colors for the year of the Water Tiger.


Pink is a gentler color that, when used appropriately, can invite a sense of connectedness and empathy. The color pink has the power to bring about new romantic relationships and to assist in the development of practices that promote self-care. If you are looking for a romantic partner or if you want to work on your relationship with yourself, pink is a wonderful color to add to your home if you want to do either of those things.

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