The Best Feng Shui Colors for Your Home Office

The Best Feng Shui Colors for Your Home Office

Saumya Singh

Most of us have experienced the difficulties of working from home at some point, and we know how hard it can be to concentrate and do your work on time. Having a conducive home office might help you get into the correct spirit and frame of mind when working from home. Feng shui principles can be used to create a home office that encourages you to be at your most productive. Feng shui can help you make the most of any workspace, whether it's a dedicated office space or just a corner of your kitchen.

Color is a great place to start when implementing feng shui principles into your home. Working one-on-one with a practitioner might be helpful if you want to delve deeply into the topic of feng shui and color in order to determine which colors will be the most supportive for your area.

The following are some colors that tend to perform well in an office setting if you're ready to start experimenting with color in your workplace and just want a bit of feng shui assistance.

The Best Feng Shui Colors for Home Office


In the theory of the five elements, white represents metal. Effectiveness and efficiency are key to the metal element. It's also related to your originality and productivity in the workplace. White is a fantastic hue to add to your office if you have problems finishing tasks or if you like to put off starting new ones. Depending on the context, either a pure white or an off-white would work well.


Gray is a neutral color that shares some characteristics with metal with its placement between white and black. Similar to the energising effect of white, a lighter, cooler grey can help boost productivity. An earthier, more grounded vibe should be expected from a warmer grey with brown undertones. According to feng shui, grey is associated with kind and generous people. One strategy for attracting helpful coworkers is to decorate with shades of grey.


In the five-color system, brown represents the earth element. Having a firm footing and feeling at ease characterise the earth element. Various tones of brown and other earthy colors are associated with this substance. A brown wood desk has associations with the earth element because of the color of the wood. Incorporating earthy elements into your home office can help you feel more grounded and relaxed, which is especially beneficial if you have a tendency to experience anxiety or worry while working.


One of the five elements, water, is associated with the color black. Finding insight and your true calling are what water is all about. Your career and the color black (representing the water element) are also tightly connected. The addition of even a little bit of black to your workplace may help you get perspective on your professional goals and life's direction.


The color yellow, like the color brown, is associated with the planet Earth. In feng shui, this is the color most commonly associated with the ground. The color yellow is associated with both the positive energy of the sun and the emotion of exuberance. Add some yellow accents to your home office if you're want to create an atmosphere of calm and productivity.


According to the five-color theory, green represents wood. It's fitting that a material associated with expansion and activity should be wood. Add some green to your office decor if you're feeling sluggish and short on energy. Wood energy is always associated with that color. Wood workers might get a boost of energy quickly by working with fresh, lively greens.


 Teal is a transitional color between blue and green; it is often associated with the vitality of wood. Teal is a fantastic option if you're trying to encourage expansion and activity. Colors like teal, aqua, and mint green are reminiscent of the outdoors and the vitality of spring. This shade may be the answer to your office's demand for a touch of nature.


According to the principles of Feng Shui, the color red carries tremendous energy and is highly beneficial. It is associated with the element of fire, which gives it its stimulating and protecting properties. Add some red to your office's decor if the vibe is "wrong" and you need to change your fortunes. As the saying goes, "a little goes a long way with red," so it's best to apply it in little doses rather than painting an entire wall that color. Intentionally placing red objects about your workspace can help counteract the bad qi (energy) that can accumulate there and improve your overall work experience.

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