Amethyst - Meaning and Uses in Fengshui

Amethyst - Meaning and Uses in Fengshui

Saumya Singh

Quartz crystals with a purple color (light and dark shades of purple) are known as amethyst and the rich, luxurious purple hue is a symbol of success and prestige. Curious as to the feng shui significance of the purple stone amethyst and its purported properties? Find out how to enhance the feng shui of your home with amethyst crystals by reading this article.

Amethyst - Meaning and Uses in Fengshui

What is Amethyst?

The stunning purple hue of amethyst makes it a popular stone for meditation and spiritual development. It's a popular gem for use in jewellery and healing, and its hues range from light lavender to deep purple. As well as being the traditional present on the sixth wedding anniversary, it is also the birthstone for February.

Amethyst was once as rare and expensive as emeralds and rubies, but enormous amounts were discovered in Brazil in the 19th century, making the gem considerably more accessible. The majority of Brazilian amethyst is a medium purple colour. It is possible to change the colour of some amethyst to yellow citrine through a process of heat treatment.

Amethyst features include:

A purple hue, ranging from light to deep.

Chakra: Third Eye, Crown Ckakra;

Number: Vibrates to 3;

Planet: Jupiter and Neptune;

Zodaic: Aquarius, Pisces andDragon;

Bagua areas: Xun (Wealth), Yin (Health);

Elements:  Metal and Wood;

Origin: All over the world, but primarily Brazil, Bolivia, Russia, and Uruguay;

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Meanings and Uses of Amethyst

As per the research gate, it has been reported that amethyst has a sedative effect. It has been touted for its ability to induce mental calm and serve as a concentrate aid. Also, amethyst has been shown to boost intuition and promote spiritual understanding. The ability to accept and trust one's intuition while simultaneously calming a frantic mind makes amethyst a potent aid in decision-making.

Amethyst also aids in resolving discord between the mind, heart, and body. It has the potential to purge the aura and bring about greater peace and calm. It bridges the gap between the spiritual and the rational, the heavenly and the earthly.

Amethyst has a long history of being linked to Bacchus, the Greek deity of wine, most likely due to the stone's traditional purple hue. Even the word "amethyst" originates from a Greek phrase that means "not drunk."

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Amethyst Uses in Feng Shui

Start the Money Flow in Xun.

The Xun (wealth) sector of the feng shui bagua represents wealth and prosperity in general. It's associated with how you feel about yourself. The colour purple is associated with this part of the bagua, which is among its most well-known. Putting an amethyst crystal in the Xun sector of your house or bedroom will help you attract material and emotional wealth. Discover Xun, or your area of prosperity, by standing outside your front entrance and looking into your living space or bedroom from the far left.

Activate Qian, the Helpful People Area

Amethyst's use in the bagua's Qian, or Helpful People, sector is encouraged because to the stone's ability to forge bonds between the celestial and terrestrial realms. Heaven, good people, and journeys all have a connection to this region. The placement of amethyst here can be used to foster a deeper connection to the divine or to attract assistance from beyond this realm. Qian posture is found by standing with the back to the doorway and facing inward. You'll find Qian in the immediate area to your right.

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Make Your Bedroom More Relaxing

Amethyst is an excellent crystal for relieving restlessness because of its sedative properties. If you're having trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, try placing an amethyst on your nightstand or under your bed. Keeping an amethyst near your bed with the purpose of deepening your connection to the dream world is a good idea.

Activate Your Meditation Area

Amethyst is also a wonderful stone to meditate with because of its capacity to relax the mind, develop spiritual insight, and increase intuition. To benefit from amethyst's calming influence, place a stone there.

Tip: Amethyst is more valuable when its purple hue is richer and more robust.

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Wear Amethyst Gemstone Jewelry

Amethyst is a popular stone for jewellery, and this may be a great way to engage with its energy on a regular basis. If you wear amethyst jewellery, it may help you connect with your intuition, relax your mind, and maintain emotional equilibrium. Find a beautiful piece of jewellery that speaks to you and your values, and then make a decision about how you want to be supported by it.

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